Message audio de Mike Horn depuis la banquise de l’océan Arctique avec de nouvelles photos


Mike Horn a publié sur un message audio sur sa Story. Nous avons retranscrit l’intégralité de son message ci-dessous. Son message est très rassurant. Certes, il est très en difficultés avec Borge Ousland, mais ils sont avant tout déterminés à aller jusqu’au bout.

Pour rappel, le 11 septembre 2019, le Norvégien de 57 ans, Borge Ousland, et le Sud-Africain de 53 ans, Mike Horn, ont débuté une expédition dans le but de traverser l’océan Arctique en passant par le pôle Nord jusqu’à Svalbard (on en parle ici).

Que la force soit avec eux !

Message audio de Mike Horn en direct depuis la banquise de l’océan arctique

<< Bonjour, c’est Mike Horn à l’appareil,

Je suis actuellement en Arctique à 550 kms du pôle Nord dans la direction de Spitzbergen. Dans une dizaine de jours, je dois arriver près Spitzbergen.

Les conditions n’étaient pas favorables pour cette expédition parce que personne ne traverse à cette époque.

C’est la nuit complète 24h sur 24, avec des températures extrêmement froides, du vent. C’est l’expédition la plus dure que j’ai jamais réalisée.

On a perdu beaucoup de poids, on est devenu faible. On a suffisamment de nourriture mais ça va être un peu limite.

On a dérivé dans le mauvais sens, c’est ça qui a rendu l’expédition plus difficile que l’on croyait.

Les températures qu’on a eu, de -40°C à +2°C, est un signe du changement du climat. On est au bout de nos forces. On a des petites gelures mais rien qui nous empêche d’avancer.

Dans une dizaine de jours, j’espère rentrer à la maison et puis me réchauffer.

Merci, Ciao Ciao. >>

Carte de la progression de Mike Horn et Borge Ousland

La dernière photo transmise par Mike Horn sur son compte Instagram n’était pas très glorieuse. On pouvait y voir Borge Ousland pas dans sa meilleure forme, avec une tête après une fête bien arrosée. Ici, il semble plutôt être atteint par l’ivresse des pôles.

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Expedition Update 34: Safe to say that I’ve had easier weekends in my life as an explorer. After last week’s endless obstacles and difficulties, @borgeousland and I are grateful to start the new week with a fresh mindset. Today, despite our sores (as seen on this photo), we are feeling tired but unstoppable…we know the end is near, so now, we must gather up the strength we have left, and fight to get there. What better way to start the week than with a massive storm?! We therefore had no choice but to set camp and wait for the chaos to pass before we can confidently venture outside again. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise in some weird way…our bodies were really in need of some rest after the physical and emotion exhaustion we went through over the weekend. Although we have rarely been in such a bad storm, the bright and uplifting side is this! Finally the wind is in our favour pushing us towards the south, rather than back to the north. This good news certainly gave us an energy boost, and the confidence that maybe we will be able to end this expedition the way we have initially planned. This unexpected turn of events must be due to all the positive vibes you have been sending our way. @AnnikaHorn and @JessicaaHorn have been updating me with your messages of support and I can only admit that this has been giving us the kick of energy we needed. It is a hostile world up here…and the constant unstable conditions have made it quite clear that we are not welcome here. In some twisted way, I ask myself if nature has been taking it out on us because of the manner in which we humans have been treating and respecting our planet…one thing is certain, something is obviously not quite right. With just over one week of food rations left, we are carefully planning each and every next step. We are longing to get home, but there is no giving up…we are here to fight until the very end. Thank you all for your heart-warming support, we will be keeping you closely updated! #NorthPoleCrossing #Pole2Pole #MikeHorn

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Mais la photo suivante était beaucoup plus rassurante

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Expedition Update 35: Funny how life works sometimes…when you think everything is bad and couldn’t go worse, the world has a tendency to prove you wrong. After over two months of ice drift pushing us away from our goal, all of a sudden, with one more week of expedition left to go, the conditions are finally in our favour…In a way, it makes me regret those moments of weakness, but at the end of the day, one can’t constantly feel invincible. I guess that moments of weakness are also an opportunity for moments of strength to stand out. Not that we felt particularly strong today, but at least we felt better… Part of the reason for feeling better is because we made good progress today, we haven’t had such a progress-successful day since we left the pole. I think @BorgeOusland and I both know that the end is near and that we have no choice but to make it down south quickly if we want to finish this expedition as we planned. After covering a distance of over 30km today in extreme cold and wind, we are now at 84 degrees north. This is a good place to be, but we still have at least 200km to cover if we want to try reaching Pangaea. At this stage we have one goal in mind, and that is leaving the Arctic Ocean by boat. Although resorting to the use of a helicopter remains an option, we try not to think about it too much. We are going to give this next week our best shot, and we know that we can count on our amazing teams back home in the case where we might need to be helped. We can’t deny that our tired bodies are suffering…the frozen parts are not improving, and our sores will only heal when we leave this harsh environment. We’re playing it wise though, stopping to warm up whenever we start losing sensation in our extremities and whenever we notice that we are at risk of making mistakes due to the extreme fatigue. We’re balancing on a razor blade at this moment, torn between making quick progress and ignoring our bodies and listening to our bodies by increasing our rest periods but missing out on making good progress…but in these situations I think of my loved ones and ask myself, what would they want me to do? And to that, I always have an answer.

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« Les dernières nouvelles sont bonnes »

Annika, la fille de Mike Horn, rassure sur l’état de son père

Auparavant, Mike Horn avait pourtant confié un message plus inquiétant à ses filles qui depuis se sont ravisées. Voir notre mise au point dans cet article : Mike Horn et Borge Ousland sont ni en péril, ni en danger de mort.

Les 2 filles de Mike Horn

Reportage de France 2 sur l’expédition de Mike Horn et Borge Ousland

Pour en savoir plus sur Mike Horn

Voir tous nos autres articles sur l’expédition de Mike Horn et Borge Ousland

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Fondateur du site Un Monde d'Aventures, je suis un passionné des grands espaces sauvages et des mondes polaires. J'ai réalisé plusieurs raids autonomes au Groenland et en Laponie. J'aime partager ma passion à travers ce site. Voir tous les articles écrits par François - En savoir plus sur François
