Consignes de sécurité très spéciales sur Kulula Airways et bien d’autres ….


Le personnel de bord de la compagnie Kulula Airways s’est un peu laissé aller sur un vol récent. En temps normal, ce n’est pas le commandant de bord qui donne les consignes de sécurité, c’est le personnel de cabine. Mais là, c’est pour la bonne cause et ça vaut le coup.

Des consignes très originales qui permettent au commandant de se faire écouter et qui pour une fois valent le coup d’être entendu. Quitte à risquer de mourir, autant mourir de rire et rigoler un peu !

Apparemment, le personnel de la compagnie Kulula Airways n’en est pas à son premier coup d’essai. Voici une autre démonstrations des consignes de sécurité. A priori, ils aiment bien faire des trucs marrants 🙂

La transcription des consignes pour mieux apprécier

It is a great fanning device, But it will show you prety pictures of escape routes, oxygen and protection devicecmaskes It will also show you the famous brace position, which you mustadopt in the event of an emergency landing. our aircraft The boeing 737-400 has 8 emergency exits, The crew will do the makarina dance and point them out to you now,2 doors in front 4 boeing exits nd 2 in the back.{ AAA makarina ai}.

Folkes to help you find your way to the exits this is the advace exit cover it is green. And an aditional floor lightning centered in the isl disco styl. in a likely event of loss of air presure oxygen maskes will drop from the celing above oyu on the left and the right hand side. Stop screaming give your neighbor a quike slap and pull the mask terwards you put the mask over your nose and mouth and continue to breath normaly.

In a likely event of waterlanding you will find your owen quiksilwer lifejaacket under your seat. on instructions from the crew remove the jacket from its pouch and put it over your head, asten it safely aroud your waist you will only inflate the jacket when you pull on the red tag when leaving the aircraf………… this colour will shine to the durban sharkes and not the blue bulls.cellphones or any cellphones with inflightmode,rassberries blackberries blueberries asseblif swich it off.

You are welcome to use your lawnmoer,ipods, mp3 players psp’s washing machines and hairdryers only during the cruise phase of the flight. this is a non smoking flight, our toilets is monitored by smoke detecters and tampering with a smoke detector is cosiderd a serious ofence

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Source d’inspiration : le blog de Corinne Bourbeillon

Voir aussi notre autre article sur Kulula Airways
